Our Team

Anthony Perruccio, PhD
Senior Scientist
Schroeder Arthritis Institute,
Krembil Research Institute, University Health Network
Associate Professor
IHPME, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, and
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto

Elizabeth Badley, DPhil
Scientist Emeritus
Schroeder Arthritis Institute,
Krembil Research Institute,
University Health Network
Professor Emeritus
Epidemiology, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto
Research Staff

Jessica Wilfong, MPH
Research Associate

Melissa Cavallo, MPH
Research Analyst

Calvin Yip, MSc
PhD Candidate

James Young, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow

Monica Prajapati, BSc
MPH Candidate
Our Collaborators
J. Denise Power, PhD
Mayilee Canizares, PhD
Raja Rampersaud, MD
Vinod Chandran, MD, PhD
Mohit Kapoor, PhD
Michael Zywiel, MD, MSc
Laura Passalent, MHSc
Monique Gignac, PhD
Rajiv Gandhi, MD, MSc
Nizar Mahomed, MD, DSc
Heather Baltzer MD, MSc
Lihi Eder, MD, PhD
George Heckman, MD, MMath, MSc